How it works

Our step-by-step approach

CloudHire is committed to providing quality virtual employees to you, in a time efficient manner. We have a 14-day onboarding guarantee, designed to help you staff quickly. A 3-day risk-free Virtual Employee trial period is embedded in our process to allow you to truly love our service before you buy. 

Discovery Call

Day 0

After our brief discovery call, you send us a job description(s) of your Virtual Employee requirements

Cloud AI Search

Day 1-5

We use our proprietary software systems and partner networks to begin the search for candidates. Our current employees are also considered for the roles at hand.

Training & Assessments

Day 5-10

Candidates undergo testing and paid training. During this phase, candidates’ skills are tested, weaknesses are identified, and plans are made on their development. The candidate’s strengths and weaknesses are outlined for the new client.

Free Trial Period

Day 11-13

Final candidates for hire are sent for a free 3-day virtual training This is a trial period for the client. It ensures that CloudHire upholds its commitment to quality. The client has to say “yes” before we start billing them.


Day 14

Official onboarding of virtual employees