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More Employees with Less Money? Contact Us!

Starting building your remote Dream Team! Let’s connect so we can learn about your requirements.

Use our Talent Cloud to save time in the recruitment process by over 50+ hours per hire.

With a 94% retention rate, know that your employee is vested in your success and is here to stay.


What People say?

Fitz George CEO, Bookolife

CloudHire developed my product and now virtually staffs a majority of my employees. Over the last 2 years, the firm has always been honest and transparent in its workings. Throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic, CloudHire has utilized its systems, resources, and protocols to ensure that work never stopped.

Ash Rahman CEO, KND A.I.

CloudHire has helped me grow my start-up at an affordable cost and now staffs my full operation. What I find most valuable is their dedication to ensuring that my work gets done. They always have backup plans, and communication could not be better.

Chris Buetti CEO, Lioize

We hired a girl named Vikeshu through them and we might as well make her CEO at this point. She's just an absolute ninja and we'll be going back to CH for our next few hires. The candidates he brought me were all great, and choosing which one was an incredibly hard decision - so I know they have a ton of talent.